Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008


Pictures (again!)


So I'm really sorry that I have been so neglectful. That'll happen to anyone who is working full-time, going to school full-time, watching a crazy toddler and is always sick! It has been a crazy semester and I am hoping things will calm down here in the next little bit, well maybe when I graduate in April. So this is what has been going on...

Ellie: Almost 18 mos. old! She is running (away from me of course), climbing, throwing tantrums and talking. Her favorite words right now are fishes, shoes, tree and shhh. She just got her first haircut and looks like a new girl. It has been difficult to keep her away from the Christmas tree.

Erica: I am right in the middle of finals at BYU. This semester has been kicking my butt. Only 4 more months. I have been really sick for the past year so I decided to see a ear, nose and throat specialist and she decided that I need to get my tonsils out on December 3oth. I am not looking forward to this.

Porter: He's trucking along at Sound Advice. With the economy his work has definitely slowed down to the point where he puts in his 40 without any kind of overtime. I know he is anxious for me to graduate so that we can start a new chapter in our lives. Hopefully he will get to go back to school for his english degree. He has sacrificed so much so that I could have every opportunity to succeed.

Well I hope that this is sufficient :) I will post new pictures when I am not at work so that everyone can see how we are doing.